The top 10 albums according to me
Well, it's safe to say that at one point or another we've all come across a list of top songs or albums. Well, this is my version of it. Based on lyrics, music beats and rhythms, the artist and circumstances of times, personal issues, and contributions. This list isn't to say that these are the ultimate albums of all time. This list is only an offering of the music that I am most familiar with and bringing into your life. Enjoy!
10. John Mayer: "Where the light is live from L.A."- This is a recording of his live concert in L.A. while promoting his latest album "Continuum". The concert is broken down in to three sections. The first is an acoustic tour through a few of his songs including "Daughters" and Tom Petty's "Free Fallin'". The second part consists of John and two others; a drummer and a bassist, Join him to become the John Mayer Trio. Together they take the audience back 60-70 years and play a set of somewhat bluesy, never heard of, none nonetheless enjoyable, songs. The third and final set he's joined with the rest of the band and proceeds to play the greater majority of his "Continuum" tracks. The final part of this show I really think captures John Mayer's brilliance and yet to be seen potential. When he plays its as if his body is a guitar and his fingers are telling this magical tragedy that he's somehow lived through. Its been fascinating watch him transform from Popular music-frat house type artist to a true lyricist and musician.
9. Janet Jackson: "The Velvet Rope"- includes "Together Again", "Tonight's the night", "got til it's gone" and "Every time". This album was monumental at the time of its release in 1997. It touched on topics that even in the late years of the 20th century where still taboo. Topics like AIDS, all types of sexuality, bondage and love where covered on this album. At the time of its release I was only 12 so I didn't really hear this album till years later when I was introduced to it by a friend. This album is also in Rolling Stones "Top 500 albums of all times".
8. Adele: "19"- I came across this artist last year through I was immediately fascinated with the depths or her lyrics, the range of her soulful sound and brilliant musical arrangements. There are 12 tracks on this album and I honestly love 11 of them. This album was released in early 2008, that same year she was nominated for four Grammy's; taking home 2 of them for "Best new artist" and "Best Female pop vocal performance for Chasing Pavements"
7. Britney Spears: "Blackout" Perhaps one of the greatest albums to ever be made and sourly overlooked. Over Overshadowed by her downward spiraling personal life and failed comeback performance live on National TV. This album defines Britney's mental state and priority at the time this record was written and recorded. Songs include" Get Naked", "Freakshow"," Toy Soldier", "Hot as Ice" and of course "Gimmie More".The record is full of club bangin hip hop and dance beat tracks- In my personal opinion, I feel like this record should be re-released in a few years and given better press and media. This is a great album for working out, long drives or parties. This is the one album where Britney Spears actually showed artistic potential by hiring the right producers and musicians.
6. Dr. Dre: "The Chronic 2001"- This was a huge point in the music worlds when this album came out. Some believed it saved music from the horrible Pop-Mania boy band garbage that was flooding the radios across America. This album was refreshing, smart, and in a few ways relatable. Through tracks like "Forgot about Dre" with Eminem, and "The next episode" with Snoop Dogg, "Lets get high", "Fuck You","Still Dre" and a few others. Even my white-prep school homies where diggin' it. That's when you know it's good.
5. Christina Aguilera: "Stripped"- From the second "Stripped" takes off it's a powerhouse of a record. On this album she takes a new a direction, by actually going in every direction and genre. There are rock tracks, Spanish tracks, hip- hop, ballads and interludes. She touches on the sentiments of being a fighter and inadequacies. Out of the 20 tracks on the album I love 16, but each and everyone displays an enormous vocal and musical talent. This is a must listen CD!!
4.Celine Dion: "Falling into you"- 1996 was the year I became obsessed with Miss Celine Dion. She's amazing. Her songs although in no way reflect her intelligence and strength as an artist, are sexy and lovey-dovey. Everything that a 12 year old wants to hear and believe in. This album includes "It's all coming back", "Because you loved me", "Seduces me" and "All by myself" among others. I haven't met a girl my age who doesn't absolutely love the CD- so trust that you'll love it.
3. Maroon 5: "Songs About Jane"- This is one of my favorite albums of all time. Everything about this band and this album fascinates me. Songs about Jane is a collection of songs inspired by the lead singer, Adam Levine's, rocky relationship with muse Jane. Some songs evoke the sentiment of anger, frustration and love. Others are more focused on life after Jane, and what she will do without him. Maroon 5 does an unbelievable job creating catchy riffs and chorus, not to mention sexy and seductive lyrics. This album is a must have, classic album. Do it!
2. Elvis Presley: "Elvis Presley Greatest Hits"- Not a whole lot to be said here. I love Elvis Presley; I was practically raised on him, Bill Hailey, The Supreme's and other oldie music acts. This album is a collection of his biggest hits and a few remixes or new recordings found. One of the most interesting things about this era is the innovation of technology. Recording had yet to be a mastered art, the electric guitar was still relatively new and Elvis was a revolutionary performer.
1. Michael Jackson: "Thriller and HiStory"- On the note of revolutionary performer- nobody did it or will ever do it like Michael Jackson. Both of the albums hold enormous significance and value. First "Thriller", for being the album that finally separated Michael from his brothers and really any other artist at the time. "Thriller's" explosive song list included "Wanna be startin' something", "Beat it", "Billie Jean", "Human Nature", "PYT" and of course "Thriller".
"HiStory" is a "best of" compilation that combines his hits from "Thriller", "Bad" and "Dangerous" songs included "Bad", "Heal the World", "Man in the Mirror", "She's out of my life", and "They don't really care about us". This album was not even close to being as big as "Thriller" but I believe it's equally as important.
Well that's it! Hope you like, agree or disagree, become intrigued or something! Please leave comments and thanks for reading!
celine dion. check. adele. check. maroon 5. check. all the others... check, check, check... however, it's so hard to actually pick 10. i might even go with the beach boys, beatles and some others.