September 11, 2001
I was a 16 year old junior in high school. I believe we were transferring from second to third period, when this kid Mark (the class jack-ass)announced that Saddam Husein had bombed New York and Washington D.C. Naturally, everyone ignored him thinking he was just being stupid as usual. Then the announcement came over the school TV's from our pastor. It was unbelievable. Shocking. One of my older brothers was living and working at the time in Washington D.C, I was terrified for his life. Although there would be absolutely no reason for him to ever be in or near the Pentagon or White House, I still worried that for whatever reason he may have been there. Thankfully he wasn't, but he did watch it all from the roof of his office building that over looked the Potomac River.
My junior year of college I took a Mass Media Law class at Florida State University. We were given an assignment to watch this video of a 9/11 conspiracy theory and decide if there was at all a case of libel or slander in what they said about the U.S government. The next day in class, the debate between slander or libel was irrelevant. The more prominent discussion was the context of this video and how it made so much sense and how terrifying it was. Here is the link to the video.
Personally, I'm not sure if I believe this video and its facts, but it does raise many questions that I have wondered since that day. I think more than anything I don't believe this video because I don't want to. I think I would rather believe a group of hateful Muslims would do this, than our own government. I also don't believe that G.W.Bush would have been intelligent enough to pull this off or keep it a secret. But I pass this video on to you because at the very least it's still interesting.
More important than who is to blame, is who was lost. Lives were lost and those lives who survived were forever changed. Those who watched on TV were forever changed by watching thousands of human lives murdered at once. I pray we never experience anything like this again.