A few months ago, following the death of one of my favorite singers, Michael Jackson, I wrote a blog about how he inspired and affected me and my family throughout our lives. And with all the things we know and don't know about MJ, there is even less known about the four other members of the Jackson 5.
About a month before Michael's death Tito, Jermaine, Jackie and Marlon, the four remaining members of J5, decided to get together and put together a 40 year anniversary album. They also decided to film their journey, for a documentary style show, which was not going to include Michael, but he was often spoken of. Unfortunately, only one episode was filmed before the tragic and unexpected death of Michael happened. So, naturally the tone and motif of the show changed from chronicling of an anniversary album, to recovering from the loss of a worldwide phenomenon and brother.
I didn’t really know what to expect when I first heard about this show, but I knew instantly, it was something special. For me, it's difficult to recognize that MJ was human. Because, as much as I love and respect his talents, he did a lot of weird stuff that I will probably never understand. And to see his brothers speak of him, the way I speak of my brothers was a new and enlightening experience.
The brothers speak a lot about how "normal" they are, and with the exception of Jermaine, I agree. On the other hand the three other brothers seem to be sweet, mature men, continuing to live their lives with the sweet memory of Michael and their time in the band together. They live in nice houses but nothing like Neverland Ranch. They have wives and kids, that if I ever saw them in the street, I would have no idea they were related to the world’s greatest family of entertainers. I exclude Jermaine, because he is a very unusual man, who I believe has ulterior motives for reuniting with his brothers; and being so outspoken in regards to MJ legacy. He seems like a phony trying to get his share of fame now that his super famous brother is out of the picture.
In one episode, at the request of their mother Katherine, Marlon and Tito return to the house on 2300 Jackson Avenue for inspiration for the new album. In following episodes they speak directly of the effect Michael's death had on their lives and where they were when they found out and such. For me, it's something different and extremely emotional, to watch grown men cry. In person or on TV, it's just something that gets me. And in this show, none of them hold back.
Out of 5 stars, I would give this show a 4.5. I really love its authenticity and introspective look at people I've always wondered about.
Happy Holidays and may 2010 be brighter and filled with love for everyone!
Out of 5 stars, I would give this show a 4.5. I really love it's authenticity and introspective look at people I've always wondered about.
Happy Holidays and may 2010 be brighter and filled with love for everyone!
All my love,
Currently Listening to:
"Stop the love you save"- The Jackson 5